Customer's zone


  • ELECTRONIC SURVEY SYSTEM - the software allowing its user to create surveys of arbitrary structure using for building statistics that allow to classify answers according to the defined by the web site owner priorities. Information gained can be presented in the form of bar charts. The module predicts the possibility of paying bonus to users taking part in surveys. The software ensures simultaneous functioning of many surveys and enables temporary survey deactivation without the necessity of its removing, what provides the possibility of the cyclic statistical researches without the necessity of renewed survey building.
  • E-ACCOUNTING - the software directed at people dealing with settlements within companies or dealing with servicing activity within accounting offices. It enables to place on the web site, by using secure connection, any information about accounting balance sheet, level of an income tax, VAT and about settlements within social health insurances.

    Software functions reduce the amount of questions from clients concerning data pointed as well as ensure clients direct information about their financial situation. Also the possibility of communicationbetween clients and web site owner with the aid of independent module based on the data bases has been implemented. Information transfer with omission of commercial applications of Microsoft Outlook type gives a guarantee of confidentiality and security.

  • ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS CIRCULATION - the software using for the most possible full documents circulation within internal network. It enables the communication and information, documents, instructions transfer etc. between workers, replacing popular till now writing form. It allows saving time each worker and the fast reaction on occurring problems.

    Simultaneously, it is consistent with the following acts and ministerial acts Act on Informatization of activity of entities realizing public tasks (Journal of Laws, 2005, No 64, item 565, with later amendments), Ordinance of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration on personal data processing documentation and technical and organizational conditions of which devices and information systems using for personal data processing should served (Journal of Laws 2004, No 100, item 1924), Ordinance of Ministry on cancelar instruction for communities and mongcommunties union (Journal of Laws 1999, No 112, item 1319 with later amendments).

  • NEWSLETTER - the software used for communication between a web site owner and his clients. Client, within newsletter, making accessible his/her e-mail address, gives his/her consent to notify him/her about news, promotions, contests or new products. On the other hand, owner, possessing newsletter, obtains current information about his activity interest and has the possibility of building databases about the clients with the division into the groups.
  • CHAT - the software used for making discussions in a real time, allowing many people to make conference test conversations at the same time. It is possible to create users accounts, both constant and temporary. It has inbuilt administration panel enabling the chat system management - emoticons switching on and off, adding and deleting users, banning IP etc. Chat can also have the function of detecting and deleting nasty words using by talkers. The system can create full conversations records and store them in a database.
  • SHOUT - a miniature chat, the most often placed on the main page of the site that allows its user to exchange ideas. It enables to keep conversations history as well as the emoticons and users service. Similarly as in case of his old brother i.e. CHAT, it is possible to use a filtration of nasty words and replace them by e.g. exclamations or reminders for a mannerless user.
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Aleksander Trojanowski tel: 691 - 887 - 235, e-mail: trojan(ns)
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