Customer's zone


  • CMS (Content Management System) - a wide range of applications used for on-line web sites content management with the aid of suitably prepared forms, often based on » WYSIWYG, technology using » databases. Such kind of software enables a web site owner to make changes on his web site without a necessity of webmasters' help.
  • E-COMMERCE - the software used for promotion products offered by the web site owner and the on-line direct sale of them . It contains modules e.g. presenting the offer on the basis of currently updated catalogues or products with consideration of their technical features and a price, running orders statistics. Software offered can be implemented with the on-line payment systems
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management) - the application used for improvement the company work organization during contact with its clients, with the aid of accounts system, which mirrors real clients, contractors and co workers structure. Thanks to the developed administration panel it gives the possibility of e.g. task planning, writing memorandums, adding annexes and current information edition about the clients, and within each clients account running independent documentation.
  • DISCUSSION FORUM - the software using for direct communication between web site users. Forum supports services and products promotion, and ideas shining the web site owner through establishing communication with target consumers (potential clients).
  • PUBLIC INFORMATION BULLETIN - the software aimed at entities obliged to apply the Act on Public Information access and the Ordinance of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration on the Public Information Bulletin ("PIB").

    It's been consulted with the lawyers, what gives assurance that within PIB all information, required by the law will appear. Simultaneously, software is flexible, what causes that it can be adjusted to the needs and idiosyncrasy of individual consumer. Additionally, it can be equipped with "Procurements" module coherent with the Law of Government Procurements Act amendments, that came into force on 25 May 2006. This module has been created for the purpose of meeting needs of all ordering people, particularly placing advertisements, specification of essential order conditions together with registration and downloaded data statistics, enquiries and answers, proceeding results and agreements concluded. Also, within this module, information about receiving protests has been placed.

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Aleksander Trojanowski tel: 691 - 887 - 235, e-mail: trojan(ns)
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